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What we make

At Nourish we offer a variety of foods, available according to the seasons, from sourdough loaves to soups where you can dig them in; from crackers to the most unique jams they can be slathered with. Have your nourishing wishes come true!

Sourdough Bread

Our loaves are always made with organic local grains. We use heirlooms and ancient varieties so you can discover new flavors and nourishment from old staples

All following loaves will contain wheat, rye, and sea salt.  


Low Gluten Loaves

A delicious alternative! 

All following loaves contain rye and sea salt. They do still contain small amounts of gluten because of the rye starter and from being made in the same facility as the wheat loaves.


Specialty Doughs

Our Specialty Doughs are sourdough-fermented as well. We of course still utilize traditional technics and ingredients, while bringing flavors closer to home by using local produce.


Cookies, Crackers, and Other Treats

Einkorn whole flour, unrefined sugar, local pastured eggs, grass-fed butter: there's no guilt in this pleasure.


Sourdough Starter

We would like to see a world of self-sufficient healthy people. For that goal, we are sharing our starter culture and providing caring instructions for them. Multiply wellness!


Sourdough Starter

100% Freshly Milled Rye

This community of microorganisms has been our helper since the beginning of our operation. They have been passed down to Douglas from Sarah Owens, the author from whom he learned his craft. It has survived extreme cold, heat, acidity, and long travels so they are strong and sturdy. Enjoy!

How to activate your starter?

In the jar, you will find 120g of rye flour and the starter

culture. To activate it, you just need to warm ½ cup of water, add to the jar and mix until the flour is wet. Careful not to overheat the water: pleasantly warm to touch is perfect!

Using the rubber band, mark the height.

Find a warm spot in your kitchen, and let it ferment from

8h to 24h. When they double in size (looking by the rubber band) they are ready to be used!

How to care for your starter?

After using almost all of it, leaving just some specs in the

jar, you should feed them with more flour of your choice (although I strongly suggest rye for its health and taste qualities).

The quantity of flour will depend on how much you

would like to use on your next bread making, so you never have too much leftover starter getting sour.

So add the flour, and mix until they are dry. You can

store them dry like that and when ready to feed them for use (8h to 24h hours prior to bread making) you feed them the same amount of flour in warm water.

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